Monday, July 20, 2009

Why Cry

Why did I cry?
Well, maybe because..
..I'm sad.
..I'm so angry.
..of frustration. life feels crap.
..I feel so depressed
..I'm very emotional.
..I'm extremely happy.
..I didn't let my feeling out.
..I have no control of my life.
..I'm being pressured by the situation.

or maybe, I just cry.
I don't have any reason to cry.
It could be caused by chemical imbalance.
It makes me sad, even my life is good.

or maybe, I just try to forget why I cry.
I just don't want to remember the reason I cry.


  1. gara-gara nonton sinetron manohara kali...:p (GA BANGET)....
    kalo gw siy nangis biasanya kalo udah stres berlebihan dan lagi ngerasa kesepian banget aja dan bingung musti ngapain....tapi sesudahnya ya calling my parents...:D
    bisa bikin hati lebih adem dan tenang...

  2. hihihihi.. klo gw biasanya calling my God, bikin tentram hati :)

  3. ya iyalah itu mah udah pasti Nona....
    kadang orang beres shalat aja langsung megang HP koq, trus kaya sms-an gitu...
    pikiran gw ----> jaman skrg hubungan ama Allah bisa lewat sms ya?!?!?!

  4. keren ya klo bisa smsan/imel2an sama Allah.. hihihihihihihi...


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