I get a chance to see Backstreet Boys again. This time, in
Singapore. This is my second concert and VIP Upgrade. I was so excited to
see them again. I couldn’t fall to sleep
the night before because I was too excited. LOL. I flew from Bandung, Indonesia
at the day event. Rushing from airport to the hotel and then to the venue,
because my flight was at noon and at the 4:20 pm I needed to be at the venue to
see the Soundcheck M&G. Thank God I booked a hotel near the venue.
So, soundcheck M&G. We waited about an hour. The boys
came out at around 5:30 PM. They sang a few songs and then we got a chance to ask
them anyting they want. A few questions were interesting like:
Q: Which avenger would you be?
A: Kevin – Tony Stark, Brian – Captain America, Howie – Hulk, Nick – Thor, AJ – Black Widow XD
A: Kevin – Tony Stark, Brian – Captain America, Howie – Hulk, Nick – Thor, AJ – Black Widow XD
Q: Would we see your children become Backstreet
A: Brian – no, mendingan solo karir; Kevin – anaknya suka IT; AJ – no, ava will go crazy; Howie – lupa apa ya jawabannya; pas bagian Nick, mereka nyodorin mic ke “itu”-nya. xD
A: Brian – no, mendingan solo karir; Kevin – anaknya suka IT; AJ – no, ava will go crazy; Howie – lupa apa ya jawabannya; pas bagian Nick, mereka nyodorin mic ke “itu”-nya. xD
After the Q&A session, then we get a chance to take a
picture with them. This was my second time, and yet I was still nervous. They
greeted us one by one, and they hug us. The first one is Howie D, I gave him a
traditional snack that I brought from Indonesia. I hope they eat it. The second
one is Kevin, this is the first time I saw him (I told him so), he was sooo
nice! The third one is AJ, I ask him how’s the avengers, he said, great! And
then, Nick! OMG my heart beats sooo fast! I was speechless! And then the
bodyguard told me to stand between AJ & Nick. I told Nick to do the peace
sign, and he told the boys to do the peace sign. And yes, they did it! After
taken a pic, I go to Brian, and told him to go to Indonesia for the next concert.
He said, “we will”. Aaaand, I said goodbye to Nick. Only to Nick. LOL. I couldn’t
say anything except, “I was sooo nervous to see you, I’m happy to see you
again.” Aaaand he hug me again and again. Aaaw.. My heart melt right away! This
is the first time I had a chance to hug them, because when we did the
soundcheck M&G in Jakarta, Indonesia, the bodyguard told us not to hug and
kiss the boys. I wonder why it’s different here. :/
Setelah M&G (ok, cape ber-english :p), gw dan dua orang kenalan gw memutuskan
untuk makan. Di M&G itu gw kenalan sama dua orang, yang satu india
berwarganegara singapur, yg satu lagi chinese warganegara malay tapi kerja di
singapur. Their names are Pratha and Karen. And they both 25 years old. OMG I’m
so old! T.T
It’s almost 8 pm. Gw, Pratha, dan Karen langsung bergegas ke
lantai 3. Mau ke toilet dulu tapi ya ampuuun ngantre banget. Akhirnya gw
nungguin aja deh mereka ke toilet. Abis itu, masuk lah kami ke venue. Berpisah
deeeh.. Karen di lantai 4. Gw dan pratha di lantai 9. What? Iya namanya juga
teater, nontonnya bertingkat-tingkat. Itu gw dapet pinggiiiir banget. Huhuh..
tapi gpp lah mayan masih kebagian tiket dan bisa nonton. Jam 8. Belum mulai
juga. Mendekati setengah sembilan mendadak lampu dimatiin. Seluruh teater
langsung teriak. Aaand here come the Backstreet Boys with The Call. AAAAAAAHHHH! Mereka pake setelan jas
biru kemeja putih. Beda sama konser2 sebelumnya, biasanya pas sesi pertama
mereka pake setelan jas putih kemeja hitam. Ya ga masalah sih ya, ini warnanya
biru gitu loh! Ahahahahah.. Beres lagu itu langsung disambung sama lagu Don’t
Want You Back. Setelah itu, yaaa, sama persis sih urutannya siapa yang ngobrol
sama penonton sampe isi obrolannya sama di DVD yang gw tonton. Kayanya memang
diset begitu sih di setiap konser. Klo gw jadi mereka males juga sih tapi klo tiap konser
beda-beda yang ada lupa ntar. Huehehehe...
1. The Call
2. Don’t Want You Back
3. Incomplete
4. Permanent Stain
5. All I Have To Give
6. As Long As You Love Me
7. Show ‘Em (What You’re Made Of)
8. Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely
9. Breathe
10. I’ll Never Break Your Heart
11. We’ve Got It Goin’ On
Acoustic set:
12. Drowning (acapela)
--> I found out in Malaysia they sing Just To Be Close, aaah I never hear them sing it :(
10,000 Promises (acoustic)
14. Madeline (acoustic)
15. Quit Playing Games With My Heart (acoustic)
16. The One
17. Love Somebody
18. Shape of My Heart
19. In A World Like This
20. I Want It That Way
21. Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)
22. Larger Than Life
14. Madeline (acoustic)
15. Quit Playing Games With My Heart (acoustic)
16. The One
17. Love Somebody
18. Shape of My Heart
19. In A World Like This
20. I Want It That Way
21. Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)
22. Larger Than Life
That night, I feel like I was teenager again. Konser kali ini gw bener-bener konsen nikmatin konsernya: nyanyi di setiap lagu, ikut goyang setiap ada bagian dance yang gw hapal. Tapi tetep sih, gw gatel banget buat ngerekam dan foto-foto. Untuk video bakal di-upload ke You*Tube, dan foto-fotonya bisa dilihat di Insta*gram (hashtag #IAWLTSingapore atau #BSBhangover) dan Face*book gw.
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#IAWLTSingapore #IAWLTmemories |
Aaah..still got the #BSBhangover. Last time it last for a month. I hope this time would be shorter. *sighs*
To H: Mamacih udah ikut nganterin dan jagain anakicik di hotel dari sore sampe tengah malem. Mamacih juga atas ijin dan tunjangan jalan-jalannya *hug&kiss*
To anakicik: Mamacih yaa udah sholeh banget ga rewel selama Mamin sibuk jadi abegeh. *cumcumpeyuk*
You are the piece I can't replace. You left a mark I won't erase. Never mind what people say cause they don't understand how you left a permanent stain on my heart. You're never leaving it. [Permanent Stain - Backstreet Boys]
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