Thursday, August 18, 2005

My Best Friend's Wedding

Few hours ago, untuk yang kesekian kalinya gw nonton ‘My Best Friend’s Wedding’. Gw slalu ngerasa film itu tuh gw banget! Kenapa? Karena gw pernah ngerasain apa yang dirasain Julianne Potter (played by Julia Roberts) di film itu – well, ga ditinggal nikah sih!

Anyway, gw pengen posting kata-katanya Julianne waktu dia nyatain, eh nyatain bukan ya? Pokoknya mah itu lah!

Michael... I love you. I've loved you for nine years, I've just been too arrogant and scared to realize it, and... well, now I'm just scared. So, I realize this comes at a very inopportune time but I really have this gigantic favor to ask of you. Choose me. Marry me. Let me make you happy. Oh, that sounds like three favors, doesn't it?

Kesannya maksa ya? Mungkin harusnya Julianne hanya bilang perasaannya, jangan maksa gitu! Klo Michaelnya malah menjauh gimana? She would be loosing her best friend. Dan mungkin harusnya Julianne merelakan saja sahabatnya itu menikah dengan wanita pilihannya. Lagian, orang pacaran ato nikah kan bisa putus ato cerai,but best friends last forever..ya ga? (Eh, kenapa gw jadi sok komentarin adegan film gini? Suka-suka yang bikin film dong! Hehehehehehehehe..)

Terus, ada kata-katanya Kimmy, Kimberly Wallace, (played by Cameron Diaz):

If you love someone you say it, you say it right then, out loud. Otherwise the moment just passes you by..

Nah ini nih yang susah. Cari momen yang pas buat bilang. Klo gw bilang, momennya Julianne udah lewat. Kenapa ga dari dulu aja sih pas mereka sama2 single? lagi..sok komentar gw.... Heee...

*sigh* gw jadi kepikiran seseorang, someone special for me. For my life, actually. Sudahlah, momen buat gw bilang ke dia sudah lewat. Seseorang itu cuma sahabat. That's it! Dan mungkin aja ini cuma perasaan sesaat aja kali ya... Sesaat darimana??? Tiap nonton film ini selalu inget orang itu....huhuhuhuhu.. Yaaa..mungkin jalan terbaik adalah gw ga usah nonton film itu lagi! Heuheuheuhuehuehuheue..

I run for the bus, dear, while riding I think of us, dear, I say a little prayer for you. At work I just take time, and all through my coffee break-time, I say a little prayer for you. Please love me too. And I'm in love with you. Answer my prayer now babe. [I Say A Little Prayer For You - Aretha Franklin]