Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Lucky Charm

Minggu kemaren gw melaksanakan sidang kedua dari empat sidang yang harus gw jalanin selama tesis. (Yeah, akhirnya! Setelah dua semester lalu ada 'gangguan'!) Seperti biasanya, gejala-gelaja yang muncul adalah pusing, mual, dan lemes. Jadi inget waktu ujian-ujian jaman dulu, gw selalu membawa lucky charm untuk mengatasi gejala-gejala yang muncul tadi. Yup, that lucky charm - suatu barang yang dipercaya dapat membawa keberuntungan. Percaya ga percaya sih, seperti halnya Paman Gober yang selalu membawa keping keberuntungannya sewaktu berbisnis, gw juga selalu membawa lucky charm gw sewaktu ujian. Klo di negerinya bule sono tuh, benda yang dipercaya sebagai lucky charm itu biasanya adalah charm bracelet, four-leaf clover (yang suka dibawa-bawa sama Untung Angsa sepupunya Donal Bebek), wishbone, kaki kelinci, sepatu kuda, dan kucing torties jantan. Klo lucky charm gw, bukan di antara barang-barang itu.

Waktu SD yang selalu gw bawa adalah pensil disney yang udah butut dan penghapus kesayangan. Khusus di hari terakhir ujian gw selalu pake jaket! Memang dari kelas satu sampe enam SD, di hari terakhir ujian gw selalu sakit dan harus selalu pake jaket. Gw ga ngerti ngaruhnya dimana tapi seperti itulah keadaannya. Waktu SMP kelas satu, kebiasaan itu belum berubah. Gw masi tetap membawa pensil dan penghapus kesayangan (yang berbeda, of course) waktu ulangan umum. Nah, mulai kelas dua SMP kebiasaan ini agak berubah. Gw mulai mengenal yang namanya boyband dan mulai ngefans sama yang namanya Backstreet Boys. Dan tau apa yang gw bawa sewaktu ujian? Guntingan foto Nick Carter yang gw ambil dari majalah. Ga sembarangan foto lho! Itu tuh satu foto Nick Carter terbaik dari semua koleksi gw. Hahahahahahaha.. Parah! Kebiasaan ini ga berubah kuliah! Yes, baby, foto Nick Carter selalu ada di kotak pensil (atau dompet) gw dan selalu jadi penyemangat waktu gw ujian. Ulangan umum, EBTANAS, EBTA Praktek, UMPTN, USM FSRD ITB, USM UnPar, USM ITENAS, UTS, UAS, sampe Seminar Kerja Praktek. Tentunya, foto-foto yang dibawa selalu berbeda-beda. SUmpah pengen ketawa tapi itulah yang terjadi. Temen-temen gw yang tau hal ini tentunya mengejek gw abis-abisan dan gw yakin mereka menganggap gw aneh (yeah, what-so-ever!). Tapi, sewaktu Seminar dan Sidang Tugas Akhir, gw menghentikan kebiasaan ini, karena pada pacar gw saat itu agak cemburuan sama Nick Carter..heuheu. So, sebagai cewe yang nurut sama cowonya, gw menghentikan kebiasaan membawa foto Nick Carter sebagai lucky charm gw. Lagi pula, saat itu gw percaya klo lucky charm gw pada saat itu adalah pacar gw. Hehehehehe..

Nah, tiba-tiba aja nih, pas mau Sidang Dua kemaren, gw jadi inget lagi kebiasaan gw itu. Tapi sayang, ingetnya pas banget nyampe kampus, jadi ga keburu buat nyari-nyari foto Nick Carter. Agak nyesel juga sih, apalagi gw udah mulai kangen dengan kegilaan gw dulu (yang berhubungan dengan Nick Carter). Waktu gw lagi setting laptop gw ini ke proyektor tiba-tiba gw baru menyadari kalo wallpaper laptop gw ini adalah: cover album Unbreakable-nya Backstreet Boys, dan tentu saja di foto ini terpampang jelas wajah Nick Carter. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha..

Oh, Nick, you are my lucky charm! ;)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Which Careers Fits Me Best?

Barusan iseng cobain MAPP Free Career Assessment Test di, buat cari tau kerjaan apa yang cocok buat gw. Ada 71 pertanyaan yang bikin gw pusing. Hasilnya? Ngebingungin, kudu bayar klo mau tau yang lengkap. Makanya, gw copas kesini aja biar bisa dibaca ulang dan dimengerti. Hehehehehehe...

(Those tasks you want to perform)

Masvilia's preferences can include routine, organized, and methodical procedures, but this is not a need or dependency. Masvilia is most likely to adapt immediate preferences to change if it isn't too sudden, radical, or disruptive. The predominant motivation is to strike a good balance between stability and flexibility.

(How you prefer to perform tasks)

Masvilia has a strong preference to work under the management or supervision of others who are competent and knowledgeable in their area of expertise. This also may indicate a preference to avoid work of an independent nature (i.e. self-directed, self-planned, self-managed). Performance, morale, energy, enthusiasm, and quality of work tend to reflect how satisfied Masvilia is with the working environment as created and managed by the motivational and inspirational leadership of a manager, director, supervisor, or lead-person.

(Expression of performing tasks)

Motivations and preferences for certain activities are so closely interwoven with Masvilia's mind and senses that they are subconsciously connected so that perception and thinking automatically convert to sensory signals which trigger physical action. (NOTE: This is a 'general' overview of potential for "mind over body" activities - where emphasis is on the mind's ability TO effectively use one's physical talents and or abilities). Masvilia's mind UTILIZES physical talents and abilities (whatever they happen to be in any given activity) as the most immediately available system for its use.

(How you relate to people, in priority order)

Masvilia feels both privilege and responsibility to use communication (including persuasion) to voluntarily provide beneficial information to others. This includes strongly motivated benevolent and literary traits. Self-satisfaction comes almost exclusively from the subjective realization that the information, voluntarily given, has been helpful to other persons. Masvilia is further motivated to learn and understand the other person(s) needs wishes and listening preferences. Non-persuasive service communication can become persuasive and persistent when expressed in the interest of someone needing Masvilia to stand up for them.

(How you relate to things, in priority order)

Masvilia prefers activities where (s)he is able to exercise natural sensory/physical talents or abilities (to the extent that they exist) in feeding materials into machines, or offbearing materials from machines efficiently and steadily. Such activity is usually associated with assembly line processing. First of all, it requires tireless synchronizing of one's sensory/physical activity with the speed and characteristics of machine input or output. It also means little social interactions with others while functioning on-station. Given a full description of the vocational position where these elements exist, Masvilia's motivations are fully present (even if this may involve training for the activity or vocational position).

(How you relate to data, in priority order)

High motivational levels in the copy trait means more than laying a paper face down in a copy machine and pushing buttons. It includes: 1) awareness of spatial measure and layout: size, shape, dimension, perspective; 2) artistic ability for factual image reproduction; 3) attention to detail; 4) awareness of machine function and use; and 5) tolerance of or preference for routine. High motivational levels represent an asset for database management, administrative work, warehouse processing, or library activities as well. It is particularly valuable for persons operating printing or copy shops or persons involved in publishing with computers. Masvilia would most likely prefer activities that include as many of the attributes, mentioned above, as possible.

(How you relate to reasoning, in priority order)

Masvilia prefers routine tasks that are explained, demonstrated, and supervised in a familiar environment: Key motivational responsibilities may include dependability, a steady work record, thorough and clean performance, and trustworthiness relative to the property of others. (NOTE: Many maintenance positions are in this category, as are some temporary or seasonal jobs).

(How you relate to the applied usage of math)

Masvilia's motivations fully support either natural talents or trained abilities with regard to excellent perception of detail and the ability to accurately create and process records related to that detail. (NOTE: This ability to steadily, consistently, and accurately identify and process detail relies on conscious and particularly subconscious talents). Clearly, preferences for Masvilia focus on detail related to data and numbers. Occupations requiring this level of motivation and/or natural or trained abilities include: pharmacists, registered nurses, transportation and distribution, switchboard operators, data processors, etc.

(How you relate to the usage of language)

Masvilia has a unique motivation to carefully, thoroughly read simple explanatory or instructional statements (like the directions on the label of a soup can) and fully/accurately know what was said. (NOTE: This is not a widely shared trait. Unless the subject attracts the reader's attention in the first place, reading of elementary instructions is just scanning, and some information is probably overlooked, ignored, or bypassed. Masvilia should regard this unique asset as vocationally important.

udah gitu ya, ada top 20 kerjaan yang cocok buat gw, tapi lagi-lagi buat tau yang nomer 1 - 10 kudu bayar. Ya udah deh, gw cuma bisa liat yang nomer 11 - 20:
11. Musical, Instrumental: professional potential
12. Signaling: alert observation; guide/warn public
13. Handling: routine nonmachine tasks, basic work
14. Rhythmics: dancing, ballet; precision of movement
15. Beautician/Barber (Stylist): cosmetic services, styling
16. Corresponding: prepare, edit, send communications
17. Paying, Receiving: cash transactions (tellers)
18. Switchboard Service: relay incoming office calls
19. Costuming, Tailoring, Dressmaking: artistic textile crafts
20. Musical, Creative: compose, arrange, improvise

Hoaheeeem... ngebacanya bikin ngantuk -_- zzZZZZzzzZZZ

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Pulang dari TPS

Gw bukan orang yang ngerti politik. Gw juga bukan salah satu dari orang-orang yang mengikuti perkembangan politik. Gw bahkan cenderung ga peduli sama yang namanya politik. Tapi bukan berarti gw ga nyontreng. Gw selalu ikut pemilu koq. Gw selalu menggunakan hak pilih gw. Walopun sempet ogah-ogahan.

Iya, waktu dulu, gw ogah-ogahan.buat nyoblos. Gw mikir, ngapain juga gw milih wakil rakyat yang sama sekali ga gw kenal? Paling juga ntar mereka korupsi dsb. Tapi setelah dipikir-pikir, soal mereka ntarnya gimana-gimana, ya dosa mereka, urusan mereka sama Allah. Salah mereka dong menyalahgunakan kepercayaan, ya ga? Lagian ga semua wakil rakyat itu jahat. Pasti ada yang baeknya, hehe.

Makanya, jangan pernah ragu buat milih. Jangan pernah takut salah pilih. Gunakan hak pilih kita. Every single vote counts! Lima menit untuk lima tahun! We love our country, don't we? ;)

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